








Take Action at School!

Throughout history, students have been the driving force in social change. Now more than ever is the time for students across the country to become global warming activists and join the movement.

On this page you will find tips for stopping global warming that your class or school can do today. You don't have to do everything, but we all need to do something! Get started in your school and keep us posted with results.

Could Your School be Powered by the Wind?

Learn more about how your school can harness the wind from our partner, Windustry

Campus Climate Challenge:

The Campus Climate Challenge is a project of more than 30 leading youth organizations throughout the U.S. and Canada. The Challenge leverages the power of young people to organize on college campuses and high schools across Canada and the U.S. to win 100% Clean Energy policies at their schools. The Challenge is growing a generation-wide movement to stop global warming, by reducing the pollution from our high schools and colleges down to zero, and leading our society to a clean energy future.


Green Owl Records

Support the Youth Climate Movement!

Check out this two disc CD/DVD featuring tracks from an eclectic group of artists who have shared their music in order to support the good works of the Energy Action Coalition. Coalition.The EAC is made up of more than 40 organizations from across the U.S. and Canada, founded and led by youth to help support and strengthen the student and youth clean energy movement in North America. They are currently working on the Campus Climate Challenge, which has committed over 450 college campuses to go climate neutral. They are also responsible for Power Shift, the largest youth gathering and lobby day on climate change in the history of the United States. Every cent of the profits made from The Green Owl Comp will be given to support the Energy Action Coalition in its efforts. 

click here to order the album 



school energy auditAudit Your School for Energy Efficiency:

Audit your school for energy efficiency! You have a few School Audit options to choose from, other programs may be accepted: Lighting in the Library (developed in conjunction with the US DOE and EPA's Energy Star Program) in which you survey the lighting in your school library; School Building Survey (developed by The NEED Project), in which you survey your school for energy use; School Energy Consumption Survey (developed by The NEED Project), in which you investigate the management of energy consumed in your school.


green schools apple

Build Green Schools:

Green schools are healthy for students, teachers and the environment. Built right, green schools are productive learning environments with ample natural light, high-quality acoustics and air that is safe to breathe.

Schools everywhere are going green, nurturing children while saving money. Get the facts and learn how you can make the case to build green schools.

tour green school


Tour a Green Middle School:

Tour Sidwell Friends' new Middle School, the U.S. Green Building Council's first LEED Platinum-rated K-12 school.

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